Why Is Glass Called Transparent Armor?

 A piece of fabricated glass can be called transparent armor. It is so because you can see through it and remain safe from glass pieces. It won’t shred into pieces even on hitting hard by blunt objects. Even high-impact bullets and blasts can’t piece it. In this blog, we will learn about the qualities and applications of fabricated glass.

Security applications of fabricated glass

It won’t be an exaggeration to say that this glass is made to enhance the security of the public and properties. For example, take a bulletproof SUV. The vehicle has more steel than others. Fabricated glass is used on front and back windshields and window panes. The glass reduces the overall weight of the vehicle and allows the driver and security personnel to keep an eye on strangers approaching the vehicle.

1. Windshields of armored vehicles

All armored vehicles including jeeps and trucks employed for transporting security personnel to and from high-risk zones have blast-resistant windshields and windows. Equipped with transparent armor panels, the vehicles can easily and safely transport security personnel to difficult areas. Without blast-resistant windshields, the armored vehicles would use more steel. Even the windshields would be protected by steel grills.

2. Interior security

Banks use bulletproof glass to make a protective shield between customers and cashiers. Similarly, impact-resistant glass is used for making doors and windows. Jewelers rely on bulletproof glass shelves to protect their belongings. They can allow window shopping knowing that outsiders can only see the jewelry pieces but can’t steal them. 

3. Protective gear

Helmet visors are made of blast-resistant glass. A steel helmet with transparent armor becomes a reliable headgear for security personnel. They can deal with the strangers coming from the front without worrying about the attackers targeting their heads from behind. Similarly, policemen facing unruly mobs use glass shields to protect them from physical attacks.

4. Residential use

Important people guard their windows with blast-resistant glass. They have large windows but the windows are duly protected with bulletproof glass. Also, they use smart glass that doesn’t allow outsiders to peep inside. Glass fabrication has reached the next level where it is possible to make smart glasses. 

A piece of fabricated glass is the real transparent armor because it provides double security. First, you can notice the presence of strangers, and second, you can remain safe from any attack including bullets and blasts. It is a reliable company, especially in high-risk areas.


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